Last on the Card – 31 May

A couple of days late as I had my Bure Valley Farm post already close to completion but here is my entry for Brian’s Last on the Card Challenge

First up is the Fujifilm X-Pro2 and a shot taken on one of my exercise walks. I’d made my way over to Golders Green via Hampstead Garden Suburb and, having achieved my target for the day, was waiting for a bus home. In the meantime I took some photos for other buses in the area of which this was the last shot…

Last On The Card_May24_XPro2

…It’s a Metroline Volvo Hybrid with Wright bodywork on the 245 to Alperton. This used to be a single deck route but has grown in popularity and now justifies double-deckers. Terribly in need of straightening!🤣

Last shot on the Moto g50 is almost indistinguishable from the one I posted for Cee’s Which Way Challenge. In truth, all it needed was a slight straighten but here it is as shot…

Last On The Card_May24_Motog50

Finally, here’s the last shot on the Fujifilm X-H2s…

Last On The Card_May24_XH2s

…TfL S7 Stock units 21525 + 21526 arriving at Blackfriars. There is some motion blur on the front of the train despite the high ISO of 6400. I needed to open the aperture a bit more but was a bit rushed in taking the shot. I’m also still getting used to the new 16mm-80mm f4 lens that I bought about six weeks ago – Could probably have got away with having it wide open😂 Photo needs a straighten, crop and some selective sharpening.


  1. Too fussy Martin, they are great photo, but then again only a bus and train nut would appreciate. I love the red buses.

    Thanks for joining in 😀

    1. As you might guess, we take double deck buses as the norm in most UK cities. We have tourist buses in London that are roofless in the summer months but the roof’s get put back on for the winter. Perhaps I should do a round-up post of my local bus routes with images of the buses that operate them.

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