From My Archive I Choose…

J is for Jowittesque

Ok – so you won’t find it in a dictionary… Jowittesque is a style of transport photography which includes members of the public with the vehicle (usually a bus) being photographed. Traditionally bus photos for magazines were a front 3/4 view and woe betide anyone who got in the way. Along came a photographer called Robert E. Jowitt who supplied photos to the various bus magazines. He broke the mould by daring to include members of the public in his shots. He went on to write several books, one of which – The Girl in the Street: Or the Bedside Bus Book – is well known among transport enthusiasts. His work has even spawned a Flickr group called Shades of Jowitt. Here are some of my ‘Jowittesque’ shots…

Got my Liberty bag - Now Where is Selfridges? Tourist on Regent Street.
When Hunger Strikes - I Think this Guy had just escaped the same boring Microsoft symposium as me 😉
Red and Yellow
Symphony in Red and Yellow - One of these pretty Ladies is significantly older than the other 😉
Banishing the Horrors
Banishing the Horrors - Mums wave off a school trip (My lad is on that coach too).

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