Some time ago I promised Tom, The Palladian Traveler, that I would post an image of myself with my Wingate & Finchley Woolly Hat. So, here it is along with a couple of other hats 😉

Wingate & Finchley Woolly Hat, Shirt and Scarf
Wingate & Finchley Woolly Hat, Shirt and Scarf
My Battered Tilley Hat - been on most of my travels to warmer climes including Zimbabwe; which is why the green ahs a sort of reddish look to it ;-)
My Battered Tilley Hat – been on most of my travels to warmer climes including Zimbabwe; which is why the green has a sort of reddish look to it 😉
Cowboy Hat (Australian Style).   Bought for Cub Camps - 1st Finchley Cub Leader Uniform.
Cowboy Hat (Australian Style). Bought for Cub Camps – 1st Finchley Cub Leader Uniform.